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Attorney Referrals

Most of the work at George Francisco Law comes from other attorneys referring cases or associating us to work with them and referrals from former clients

Often attorneys in other jurisdictions contact us about either handling a personal case or workers’ compensation case in North Carolina for one of their clients, or serving as local counsel in a case in which they wish to remain actively involved.

Just as often, North Carolina lawyers contact us about handling a case in which we have special expertise but they do not. Attorneys who are preeminent in estates, real estate, probate or corporate law readily acknowledge when they need to refer a client to a lawyer who specializes in trial law and workers’ compensation law.

Similarly, George Francisco represents other lawyers and the families of other lawyers who have serious personal injury claims.

The North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct implicitly recognize that clients are best served when they have competent representation including the legal knowledge, skill, thoroughness, and preparation reasonably necessary for the representation. The comments to The North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct recognize that lawyers can bring in other attorneys with needed areas of expertise, and still share in the responsibility and the fees. We comply fully with the North Carolina Rules of Professional Conduct while documenting the client’s consent to an appropriate allocation of fees and responsibility between counsel.

Who can benefit from referring to a personal injury or workers’ compensation case to George Francisco Law?
. Attorneys that do not handle personal injury, workers’ compensation, or contingent fee cases
. Attorneys that do not have the expertise, time, capital, or resources
to handle big damage cases
. Attorneys from other jurisdictions that are unable to handle